Monday, November 23, 2009

Technology Today

According to the two assessments, I am only somewhat computer literate. I feel very comfortable using a computer for basic things like writing a paper and email. On the other hand, I don’t know very much about spread sheets or power point presentations. I have a little bit of experience with both of these applications, but would not feel comfortable having to do a formal presentation using either. I definitely don’t know how a computer works or the programs that are needed to make a computer do what I want it to do. I can also navigate the internet and find what I am looking for using any of the search engines. I actually use the computer an awful lot every day. We are required to use a grade book and attendance system on our campus computers. I use a multi-media projector to put my warm-up activities on the screen for my students to copy. We are also required to use the school’s email system on a daily basis. I am learning more and more about technology through this course at Lamar and from my co-workers. We get training on a variety of programs and applications periodically throughout the year. These two assessments have showed me how much more there is to the technology field. I agree that I don’t know very much about technology and should probably do more to understand the tools and applications that I am using every day. I know that computers are the wave of the future and most middle school students can do more on computers than I can.

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