Sunday, November 29, 2009

Teaching and Learning

I agree with the need for students to be required to be proficient in technology. I also agree that it should start before students are even in elementary school. Just as we learned skills as young kids that were pertinent to the times, technology is pertinent to these times. In order for our kids and students to be able to learn the signs of the times, we as teachers need to be the learners ahead of the students. It is okay to learn on the fly in most of the areas, but we need to have a firm foundation before attempting to be the expert. Teachers are not only facilitators, but they are learners as well. Just as teachers learned how to collaborate with other teachers in order to provide the best lessons for their kids, the students need the opportunity to collaborate with each other to learn the new technology that they are faced with. Students, now more than ever, must be able to communicate effectively. Computers and modern technological tools are available to assist in this area. At my school, we are offering more and more computer classes to expand each student’s opportunities for their future. I am seeing more and more computer labs and professional jobs positions available within our district. I know that with more technology, we need more people who are experts in every field to support our students and faculty with the learning and teaching of modern day advancements. I would like to see every high school student issued a laptop computer that is their responsibility and tool to use on a daily basis to get their education. This will truly prepare them for what they will be faced with upon graduation when they are searching for their career.

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