Sunday, December 13, 2009

Technology Action Plan

In order to gather the necessary to data, I would develop a survey and have the entire faculty fill it out. I would then look at the assessment and other data gathered from the STaR chart, AEIS, and AYP to begin the development of a plan for Comprehensive Professional Development. In order to assess the plan, I would develop an evaluation that would provide feedback on its effectiveness.

Goal 1: Create a committee that will gather and analyze all available data. This committee will be responsible for coming up with ideas for a technology action plan.
Objective: Gather Data from the survey given to Administrators, Teachers, and Instructional Staff.
1) Things on the survey:
(a) Funding
(b) Software
(c) Hardware
(d) Facilities
1. Labs
(e) Personnel
1. Availability
2. Knowledge
Objective: Gather Data from STaR chart, AEIS, AYP and technology plan.
Objective: Create committee that is made up of Administrators, teachers, and instructional leaders.
1) First committee meeting
i) Analyze gathered data
ii) Determine what areas to focus on
iii) Split into focus groups
(a) Need to include other stakeholders
(b) Decide when to meet again
iv) Second Meeting with focus groups
(a) Discuss strength and weaknesses
1. Ideas to improve weaknesses
2. Ideas to maintain strength and use them
2) Third meeting as a committee
i) Suggestions for Professional Developments
ii) Time Frame Suggestions
Goal 2: To develop a plan for comprehensive Professional Developments that would enhance the instruction in a classroom to promote active engagement from the students.
Objective: Offer Professional Development for Technology
1) Technology for beginning teachers
i) New Teacher Orientation (August)
ii) Teacher Web Page
iii) Grade Book/ Attendance (Lynx)
iv) Nova net Student Sheets
v) Euphoria
vi) Projector
2) Technology for returning teachers (August)
i) Refresher courses
ii) Web page
iii) Euphoria (benchmark tests and data)
iv) Nova Net
3) Technology for all (Throughout the year)
i) New technology or activities
ii) Anything new the district purchased
iii) Interactive whiteboards, etc
iv) Curriculum based activities involving technology
v) Old technology or activities (throughout the year)
vi) Opportunities for teachers to learn or review
vii) Excel, power point, word, outlook, etc.
viii)Ethics, copyright laws, and safety
Goal 3: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Professional Development offered to all Administrators, teachers, and instructional staff.
Objective: Technology use in classroom showing Improvement
1) Gather data for evaluation at semester:
i) Administrators, teachers, and instructional staff take an evaluation
1. Needs being met
2. Knowledge base grown
3. Comfort level grown
ii) Teacher Web pages being maintained
iii) Technology being integrated into instruction
1. Shown on lesson plans
iv) Student engagement
1. Fewer referrals for classroom behavior
2. Student improvement on benchmarks
2) Use all data gathered
i) Make any changes to Professional Developments
1. Offer more or change what is being offered according to needs
3) Gather data for evaluation at the end of the year
i) Administrators, teachers, and instructional staff take an evaluation
ii) AEIS
iii) AYP
iv) STaR chart

With proper funding and support, putting more technology in the classroom will keep the students better engaged. Providing meaningful professional development to the faculty will allow them to be more comfortable in teaching with technology. The more teachers that are using technology, the more likely the entire campus will buy-in to the mission statements and goals of the campus and district. Grants and funding will be easier to obtain and keeping up with technological change will be simpler.

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